Applicants must ensure they keep records of the SFR Authorised fuel(s) produced, supplied or used in biomass boilers so that you meet your ongoing reporting obligations.
Organisations are required to keep all information relating to applications and RHI quarterly submissions for a minimum 6 year period as it may be called upon whenever it is requested by SFR administrators or its auditors.
Records of fuel supplied and purchased for use in biomass boilers must be kept to comply with the regulations. This will also allow us to verify the fuels sustainability and validate there is no fossil fuel contamination and that only 100 percent biomass is used in your installation, and that the fuel is sustainable.
All successful applicants must maintain records which can be easily accessible when requested by the SFR Administrator or its auditors. These principals should be followed when certain processes are being put into place.
Compliance – The record keeping shall be constructed to comply with applicable laws and other binding authorities, as well as the organisation’s policies.
Availability – An organisation shall maintain records in a manner that ensures timely, efficient, and accurate retrieval of needed information.
Retention – An organisation shall maintain its records and information for an appropriate time, taking into account legal, regulatory, fiscal, operational and historical requirements.
Disposal – An organisation shall provide secure and appropriate disposal for records that are no longer required to be maintained by laws and organizational policies.
Integrity – Record keeping shall be constructed so the records and information generated or managed by or for the organisation have a reasonable and suitable guarantee of authenticity and reliability.
As long as you are participating in the scheme, you must keep fuel records that include the quantity (volume or weight) and type of biomass fuel produced, sold, used and the applicable dates. Your records should also include any SFR authorisation numbers if you are purchasing SFR authorised fuel or registered as a Self-Supplier (or Producer-Trader) on the SFR.
How records are kept and the way they are produced will differ in organisations but essentially information must be retained and capture the below:
These can be documented in anyway the organisation prefers, it maybe that several of the above are logged on one document or several different documents.
If you would like us to help you with your record keeping please see our Fuel Audit Service here.
As stated in the Terms and Conditions, there are financial and legal consequences for not keeping accurate records and complying with your ongoing obligations such as: