Sustainable Fuel Register logo
Save time, save money, and improve your route to market.

The easiest way to register your Non-Wood Fuels

The Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR) delivers easy, affordable and sustainable RHI compliance.

1. Enter your details

2. Tell us about your fuel

3. Fuel assessed, SFR number issued

Set up your SFR Dashboard by providing us with some details. From your SFR Dashboard you will be able to manage your fuels, payments and account details.

Why register with SFR?

SFR provides additional routes to market for non-wood fuels.
  • A simple and easy to use online registration process.
  • A friendly support team on hand.
  • Created by experts in RHI.
  • A simple and affordable fee structure.
  • Minimise biomass wastage.
  • Reduce paperwork and ease the burden of self-reporting.
  • Register multiple fuel types.
  • Have assurance with complete traceability.
pwe heat & power logo
It’s a pleasure working with SFR. We’ve registered a great deal of olive stones on the system and allocated it to many of our customers. The SFR team is very can do and helpful.
Craig Anderson
kevin lindegaard
We are trying to create a very robust and simple system for people to register their non-wood fuels and stay within the RHI rules. It’s important to us to take away as much of the bureaucratic pain as possible.
Kevin Lindegaard
Director, Crops for Energy and founder of SFR
The SFR team make compliance simple. We know that all our records are in order and that is a weight off my mind.
Ashlyn Reed
Tredethick Farm Cottages (Miscanthus grower and user)
SFR allows participants of the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) to easily demonstrate that the fuel used in their biomass boiler meets the sustainability criteria to the standard required by Ofgem.

Updates from SFR

The easiest way to register your Non-Wood Fuels to meet RHI sustainability criteria.

© Copyright 2025 Sustainable Fuel Register