Many types of solid biomass can be used in multi fuel boilers. However, being able to sell them to customers has several hurdles that need to be overcome.
1) SFR registration – This is relatively easy and, in most cases, will be successful. However, any new fuel requires quite a lot of information particularly to cover the Land Criteria requirements. We normally suggest that applicants get us to help with a bespoke Land Criteria Declaration for imported fuels. You can see our price list here. Please bear in mind SFR registration only covers the sustainability bit.
2) In order to meet their RHI Ongoing Obligations your chosen customer needs to be able to demonstrate an emissions certificate for their boiler when using your fuel. Chances are, that you will need to do an in-situ test. These can cost several thousands of pounds. This is normally the thing that stops people from going any further as there is no guarantee that your fuel will meet the threshold in the chosen boiler. In addition, for each boiler type you need an emissions certificate. Hence, you need lots of customers with a particular type of boiler to make this work.
3) Even when you have a valid emissions certificate and lots of customers wanting your fuel, you should make them aware that they need to inform Ofgem through an RHI amendment. If they don’t do this then they would be in contrivance of their RHI agreement and could fail an audit and be asked to pay back any previous monies received. Some customers may be prepared to do this if the price of your fuel is right.
As a result, although we get many queries about registering new types of fuel, not many actually turn into users of the system. It is of course possible to make it work. Read the case study on PWE Heat and Power who trade in olive stones and blends of olive stones and wood pellets.