• Do you want to get your fuel registered with SFR without the hassle?
  • Do you want to get your fuel registered with SFR as quickly as possible?
  • Are you a trader importing fuel from another country with a complicated supply chain?
  • Are you a trader involved with access to a large stock of fuel and need help producing a bespoke Land Criteria Declaration?
  • Do you have a new weird and wonderful fuel that doesn’t appear on our online registration form?

Currently, the Environmental Land Management Scheme is out for consultation (consultation ends 31 July). This will pave the way for the UK Government to meet its 25 Year Environmental Plan, making agriculture more environmentally friendly and meet climate change targets and the Net Zero aspirations. 

Now’s the time to register your harvest on the Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR).

It is easy to put things off. We all do it, saving those jobs for the rainy day and then finding something else to do when the heavens open.
