Do you have a biomass boiler? Are you receiving payments from the Renewable Heat Incentive?
If so, you are probably using wood chip or wood pellets as the fuel. However, the potential of using cheaper, alternative non-wood fuels such as straw, miscanthus, waste coffee grain pellets, sunflower husk pellets to name just a few is growing. Many of these fuels are being registered on the Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR), which may make them eligible for RHI payments as long as they meet the emissions criteria for your boiler.
The price of wood pellets has rocketed recently. If you are attending Energy Now Expo in Telford on the 7-8th February and interested in finding out about the potential of using non-wood fuels in your system talk Jon Swain from FEC Energy who will be exhibiting on the NFU Energy Service stand number 97.
Also co-founder of SFR and Director of Crops for Energy Ltd, Kevin Lindegaard is giving a presentation titled “Biomass fuel options – making the right choice for your pocket, your boiler and the environment”. As part of this, he will set out many of the biomass fuel options (including purchased fuel and self-supply options) so attendees can judge the best fuel for their project and understand how this decision depends on their land, buildings, facilities and lifestyle.
Members of CLA, Fram Farmers, NFU, Woldmarsh Producers and Energy Now and Diversify Now subscribers, get access to the entire event for free if you pre-register here. If none of these applies then you can visit the conference for £99 plus VAT as a day delegate or just the exhibition for £10 plus VAT.
We look forward to meeting you there and discussing your biomass energy project.