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About SFR

The scheme

Fuels authorised on the Sustainable Fuel Register demonstrate compliance with the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) sustainability requirements. From field to boiler, all steps in the supply chain are traceable, providing complete peace of mind that the fuel has accounted for all of the greenhouse gas emissions associated to it.

SFR provides additional routes to market for non-wood fuels and reduces the amount of biomass either being exported for a low price or discarded.

The scheme is a register of fuels, and not a register of individuals or organisations; however we recognise that there are three main participants to the scheme:


Producers have responsibility for growing the raw materials, sourcing raw materials and in some cases the initial processing into a fuel. You will be expected to pass on materials of fuels to other traders or end users. You may also use your fuel in any RHI accredited system you are the authorised signatory for.


Traders purchase fuels or materials from producers for sale on to others. You may also add further processing to get the materials/fuel into a format you intend to trade. You may also use fuel in RHI accredited installations that you are authorised signatory for.

End User

You purchase fuel from either producers or traders. You do not add any further processing or transport to the fuel. You have an SFR account to accept fuel that you use in any RHI accredited installations that you are authorised signatory for.

Case studies

PWE Heat & Power

PWE Heat and Power has been an SFR authorised trader since 2020. In that time, they have registered over 30,000 tonnes of olive stones (or olive pits) with SFR.

Tredethick Farm Cottages

Tredethick Farm Cottages uses miscanthus grass in a chipped form as a fuel to provide district heating to 8 holiday lets, a farmhouse and a swimming pool. TFC was one of the first biomass boiler district heating schemes accredited under the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) back in 2011. 

Buryend Farm

Mark Andrews of Buryend Farm in Worcestershire has been using biomass to heat his farm buildings since 2014. Initially, the fuel used was woodchip but he switched fuel in 2017 when the Dragon boiler range was successful in gaining an emissions certificate for burning straw. 

1. Enter your details

2. Tell us about your fuel

3. Your fuel is assessed & SFR No. generated

Our process

Enter your details

Set up your SFR Dashboard by providing us with some details. From your SFR Dashboard you will be able to manage your fuels, payments and account details.

Tell us about your fuel

You can register one or more fuels. Tell us what type of fuel you are registering and how much. You will need to provide details of the fuel source and its production and confirm that you meet the land criteria.

We assess your fuel and generate your SFR Number

We will assess your fuel based on the information you have provided about it's source, production and where it will be used.

The easiest way to register your Non-Wood Fuels to meet RHI sustainability criteria.

What people say about the scheme

Jonathan Scurlock
The NFU believes firmly that all solid biomass fuels, whether from woodland or agricultural land, should be treated on a level playing field in order to maximise the opportunities for British farmers and landowners. Since the introduction of fuel sustainability reporting, we have strongly supported the SFR team as having the right competencies to operate a more comprehensive Sustainable Fuel Register.
Jonathan Scurlock
National Farmers' Union (NFU)
pwe heat & power logo
It’s a pleasure working with SFR. We’ve registered a great deal of olive stones on the system and allocated it to many of our customers. The SFR team is very can do and helpful.
Craign Anderson
PWE Heat & Power
Tredethick Farm Cottages logo
The SFR team make compliance simple. We know that all our records are in order and that is a weight off my mind.
Ashlyn Reed
Tredethick Farm Cottages (Miscanthus grower and user)
Kevin Lindegaard
We have created a simple and affordable scheme for users based on financing through user subscriptions scaled to take into account quantity of fuel produced, traded or consumed.
Kevin Lindegaard
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