It is difficult to read anything about renewable heat without seeing the word ‘biomass’ inextricably linked with wood. In fact, they are often used interchangeably: “I have a biomass boiler”, “oh, so you heat with wood” etc. The definition of biomass encompasses sources of fuel that are much greater than simple parlance suggests.
Biomass is the term for substances that have grown from animal or vegetable matter (source: R-E-A). This means that any plant material, which is burnt, can be considered a biomass fuel so there are hundreds, if not thousands of different potential biomass fuels.
The following list shows some examples of plant material, which we have come across as biomass fuels in our dealings with Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and, more specifically, in the journey to creating the Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR).
As you can see, it is not difficult to think of non-wood materials that can be used as fuel. The great advantage of these resources is that it is possible to demonstrate that this material is more suited as a fuel than the other means of handling or disposal. This makes them at least as sustainable as many wood fuel sources and, in many cases, more sustainable.